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Low Odour Paint Collection

Victory Colours Down to Earth Eco Friendly Paint is like a breath of fresh air. The lack of solvents, toxins, and minimal VOCs, means that our low odour paint lacks that heady and unpleasant fresh paint smell that can linger for weeks. As a result, interior air quality is not compromised and there are minimal contributions to the atmosphere - the smell of freshly painted rooms is not good for health, nor for the environment, especially for vulnerable people, children, people with sensitivities, and decorators.

Our practically odourless paint is as safe as possible for humans, animals, whilst still      
Low Odour Paint by Victory Colourshaving great opacity and durability in a range of beautiful up-to-date palette of colours. The exceptionally low odour also means you can paint a room and sleep in it that very same night

Eco Sample Panels | Hand-painted Sample Panels are available from our Colour Collection to order online. 

Colour Matching Service | If we do not have the colours you are looking for, we can match our paint to any sample or colour reference. Click here for Colour Matching Service.

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